Cuddle Party Facilitator Certification
Training via group video conferencing
Cuddle Party Facilitator training is built on the skills learned in Foundations of Facilitation. Then we add to that the needs and skills specific to facilitating Cuddle Parties. Cuddle Party is a short workshop/social event that teaches basic consent, boundary, communication and touch skills, in a relaxed and friendly setting. We currently have over 150 Certified Facilitators all over the world.

You Will Learn How To:
- A deep understanding of the principles that have made Cuddle Party work for over a decade.
- Practical, nuts-and-bolts tools for running your events
- Extensive coaching from experienced leaders who have your back
- Online training materials you can reference any time
- Hand-holding, troubleshooting and brainstorming through your first few events
- Participation in a community of fellow facilitators devoted to bringing welcomed, affectionate, consensual touch to the world

Certification Requirements
In order to successfully complete the Certification program, participants must complete:
- at least 10 group tele-classes
- do all homework assignments to the satisfaction of their certification leader
- get certification in CPR and First Aid
- lead three provisional Cuddle Party events with feedback
Please note that enrollment in Certification Training does not automatically guarantee that you will Certify. It requires completion of the requirements, plus our confidence that you can successfully uphold Cuddle Party standards.

Once Certified, You May:

Use Cuddle Party materials for your own Cuddle Party events

List your CP’s on the official Cuddle Party website

Join the Certified Cuddle Party Facilitators Facebook Group

Join monthly Certified Cuddle Party Facilitators support calls
You’ll Receive:

Tele-classes with certification coaches

Detailed online training modules

Online training videos

Extensive coaching and mentoring with experienced CP facilitators
Fee for the Certification program is $995 US.
Payment plans are available when necessary. This is not a problem. Talk to us!

Online Curriculum
Changes and cancellations
Life happens!
Certification is a continuously available ongoing process. Sometimes people need to postpone or reschedule their participation due to life circumstances. Please be sure to talk with us if you have any need to revise your payment or participation plans at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Foundations of Facilitation Training?
The training is a prerequisite for certification as a Cuddle Party facilitator, though anyone with an interest in and passion for working with groups of people is welcome to apply.
If you would like a live FOF training in your area request one if you have eight or more paid commitments and are willing to host at a suitable location. Anyplace suitable for a Cuddle Party would work as a training space as well. Once your training date and location are settled, we can promote it here to enrich participation.
Ongoing Virtual Training is continuously available online. The online version offers Certification Training in parallel for those eager to begin producing Cuddle Parties.
Who should be trained?
In addition, anyone who wants to run Cuddle Party events must take this training. It is the first step in the Certification process and it provides a solid background for conveying what the Cuddle Party is about, and skills, techniques and information for creating a successful Cuddle Party event, whether as a hobby or as an add-on to participants’ existing work.
Why should I be trained?
create safe, non-sexual space to explore intimacy on both on a personal and professional level
lead workshops that leave your participants feeling touched, open, valued and nurtured
generate an environment where women and men communicate more authentically
listen profoundly
create a powerful relatedness with strangers quickly and easily
be more open to others and able to give and receive comfortably
create strong boundaries for yourself without shutting others down
You will also learn:
tools for building a strong, intimate community
advanced tools for handling rejection
communication techniques that open people up to discuss intimacy, desires, fears and needs
Regardless of whether you want to lead Cuddle Party events or not, the material covered in this intensive can be beneficial on the job, in your relationships, and even in your interactions with complete strangers.
What will be covered?
What is the Virtual Training Option?
What is the difference between the training and certification?
(Virtual Training allows participants who are interested to accomplish training and certification in parallel to support the most efficient and effective short path to Certified Cuddle Party Facilitator status. It is self-paced and fully supported to maximize your opportunity for success.)
What is included in the training weekend?
Three and a half days of intensive training, covering communication techniques, touch exercises, facilitation training, in-depth listening, boundary setting, and more (See training curriculum for more information.)
Workbook including facilitation concepts, tip sheets, worksheets, and more
Opportunities to connect with your fellow participants
How much does training cost?
When is my payment due?
What if I can’t afford the training fee?
Scholarships may be awarded for FOF Training. See Donations for details.
There are a limited number of work-scholar positions available for each training. Please contact us for details.
What should I wear?
What should I bring?
What is the cancellation policy for the FoF Training?
Cancellations more than two weeks prior to the event will receive a refund of moneys paid, minus the registration fee. If a paid participant wishes to postpone and reschedule for a later date, the participant will be charged a $50 service fee, and placed into the date of their choice. The participant may choose either to receive a refund (minus the application fee) for the original event or to postpone and reschedule for a future event. Cancellations less than two weeks before the event will be allowed to reschedule (with $50 service fee), but cannot be refunded.
Ongoing Virtual Training is available continuously and works on the mutual agreements you make before beginning training. Please communicate effectively and promptly to advise CP HQ of any changes needed in your participation or payment schedules. All efforts will be made to ensure mutual support throughout your training process.
How do I register for Foundations of Facilitation?
About the Cuddle Party Certification Program:
Do I have to enter into the Cuddle Party Certification program?
To take Foundations of Facilitation – No, you don’t. Not at all.
To certify as a Cuddle Party Facilitator and use the Cuddle Party format, name, logo and be listed on the Cuddle Party website (and be part of a world wide community of CP facilitators) – Yes, you do.
Many people want to take the Foundations of Facilitation Training to complement the work they already do. We have had people from many different backgrounds take our training, including artists, computer programmers, workshop facilitators, seminary students, teachers, chefs and yoga instructors. The skills and techniques taught in this intensive are applicable in many areas of life, both personally and professionally.
If you would like a live FOF training in your area request one if you have eight or more paid commitments and are willing to host at a suitable location. Anyplace suitable for a Cuddle Party would work as a training space as well. Once your training date and location are settled, we can promote it here to enrich participation.
Ongoing Virtual Training is continuously available online. The online version offers Certification Training in parallel for those eager to begin producing Cuddle Parties.
What is required for certification?
In addition to taking the Foundations of Facilitation Training, those who wish to become Certified Cuddle Party Facilitators must participate in the Cuddle Party Certification program. Included in this program is
- Extensive coaching and support
- Ten tele-classes with certification coaches. You must attend at least one tele-class before scheduling a review party and at least one tele-class after each review party
In order to successfully complete the Certification program, participants must complete a minimum of 10 tele-classes, do all homework assignments to the satisfaction of their certification leader, get certified in CPR and First Aid, and lead three provisional Cuddle Party events with feedback.
Benefits to certification include:
- License to use Cuddle Party materials for your own Cuddle Party events
- Listing on the official Cuddle Party website
- Access to the Certified Cuddle Party Facilitators discussion board
- Access to monthly Certified Cuddle Party Facilitators support call
Please be aware that while most training participants will be allowed to move directly into the certification program if they so choose, in some cases we will postpone participation in order to prepare participants as powerfully as possible to take on the certification program. Participation in training does not automatically guarantee participation in the certification program.
How much does certification cost?
Participation in the Certification program is $995. Payment is due prior to the first tele-class of each session. Payment plans are available when necessary.