What is a Cuddle Party?

What Is A Cuddle Party?

Cuddle Party is a playful social event designed for adults to explore communication, boundaries and affection. You can come to a Cuddle Party to meet new people, to enjoy amazing conversations, to touch, to be touched, to have fun, to practice asking for what you want, to practice saying “no” to what you don’t want — all in a setting structured to be a safe place for exploration and enjoyment. You can even come to a Cuddle Party just to cuddle!

What Happens At Cuddle Party

A Welcome Circle & Mini-Workshop

After you arrive at the event location, sign in, and change into pajamas in the private changing area, the Cuddle Party starts with an hour-long Welcome Circle, led by a Certified Cuddle Party Facilitator.

This Welcome Circle is where we create the structure and safe space for the socializing to follow. It is also where we break the ice and get a group of strangers to feel not so strange to one another. This is where you and other Cuddle Party participants can…

  • Introduce yourselves,
  • Learn about the Cuddle Party philosophy,
  • Get oriented to the Cuddle Party rules,
  • Practice the Cuddle Party communication skills
  • Be led through a few ice-breaker exercises

As the Welcome Circle concludes, most participants find themselves feeling surprised by how comfortable they feel.

Two Hours of Self-Directed Connection

Now it is time for you to ask for what you want, say yes and no to requests and invitations, cuddle according to your desires and comfort (or just talk if you prefer), connect with fascinating people, “cuddle mingle,” and, ultimately, relax into the flow of an unusually playful and respectful social environment.

Some participants cuddle in groups, others one-on-one, while some like to talk and not cuddle for a time, or not at all. Cuddling can mean feet against feet, full-body hugs, head-rubs, spooning — it is, indeed, up to you. And, configurations and positions shift significantly throughout the event, thanks in part to Rule 6 Change your mind & keep yourself happy.

Also throughout the event, the Cuddle Party Facilitators participate with you so that you can feel relaxed and supported and have a great time with your experiences.

The socializing and cuddling, like the Welcome Circle, all take place in our cozy environment, enhanced by an eclectic and charming mix of music played at a volume that allows easily for conversation. There are cookies, fruit, munchies, juice and no intoxicants (other than the oxytocin, that is).

A Closing Circle 

At the end of the event, after the optional Puppy Pile, the Cuddle Party Facilitator conducts a brief closing circle to share with you some final thoughts for the road, encourage you to bring your learnings with you as you travel forward, and give everyone a chance to share any parting thoughts with the group.

Participants are often in a state of cuddle intoxication at this point, and feeling a sense of connection with the group that they never would have anticipated at the beginning of the event.

Many participants exchange hugs, some exchange phone numbers, and all receive special thank you’s from the Cuddle Party Facilitator for making this particular Cuddle Party the special event that it was. Some participants may go to a nearby restaurant or cafe to continue the conversations, while others will head home — often to a night of blissfully relaxing sleep.

Still Curious?

Your first Cuddle Party was like finding some long-lost love medicine among the culturally accepted remedies that generally promote unhealthy attitudes about touch… “Your party brightened my world.”You’re creating a movement/cultural space in which both verbal and physical communication is not only allowed but encouraged and coached, and in doing so, there’s healing along this fault line “lie/taboo” about touch having value primarily/only if one is sexually involved with the cuddle-giver-recipient. Very cool that you’ve created an antidote to all this unhealthy anti- cuddle stuff; your Cuddle Party is easy to swallow, and it’s devoid of any known-to-man-and-nature contraindications…. There is so much liberation in feeling free of pressure to manipulate that exchange into sex-play, and freedom in knowing that in this intended space, one is safe to explore various cuddling and touch styles.
- Elaine, New York City