Doug Pouliot

About Me: Hi! My name is Doug. I grew up in New Hampshire. I've been a student of movement and dance since I was seventeen. I attended my first Summer Dance Camp in 1994, which introduced me to contact improv, tango and barefoot partner dancing and more. In 2020, when covid began, I was living by myself in Connecticut. Although I was in contact with people virtually, I didn't get touch, from a human, two years. I began to experience anxiety on a regular basis. As Covid restrictions were relaxed I discovered cuddle parties. After my first few events I began to realize I was shut down. Cuddle parties gave me the language to ask for and receive the touch I craved and a container to connect with people. I was so moved by the practice I became a facilitator. Over the last two years I have hosted parties in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont.

Favorite Cuddle Party Rule: Tears and Laughter are both Welcome. Let the roller coaster of emotions as we create trust and allow others to see who we really are, letting down the guards we often keep in place.

What I got out of Cuddle Party personally: During Covid I didn't get a lot of touch, and experienced anxiety. Cuddle Parties guided me to connect with people again. I felt moved by the work and decided to become a CP facilitator to get better at using the language of consent, and am creating community that values the giving and receiving of platonic nourishing touch.

Who I am as a Cuddle Party Facilitator / What you'll find at my Cuddle Parties: As a facilitator I feel I am a little like a lifeguard and a coach and. During the evening I am relaxed but vigilant as people explore the possibilities of connecting using verbal consent.

Facilitator Name: Doug Pouliot

Country: United States

State: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont

City: Windsor, Northampton, Brattleboro


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