Cuddle Monkey?

Cuddle Monkey?

I saw this in the window of a local ice cream shop a few weeks ago in Austin Texas. I got a kick out of it – thought you might, too.
About Cuddle Party and Gender

About Cuddle Party and Gender

Cuddle Party is not about sex. Therefore, it’s not about gender. It’s about people, kindness, touch and communication. However, we realize that it’s a question that comes up, and many people are just not yet at the place where they are comfortable with people of the...
Cuddling Blind

Cuddling Blind

Most people who know me consider me an open book. There’s not much I’m unwilling to reveal, and many people find it very easy to get close to me. Having said that, we all have things we don’t like to discuss, sticky issues that make us uncomfortable or self-conscious....