
Yoni has a Masters in Conflict Resolution and Mediation. He is a Certified Cuddle Party Facilitator and is an advisor for the Cuddle Party Board of Directors. He is also a professional cuddler at Cuddlist, and the author of The Book of Cuddles. You can find out other...


Sundeep, is a certified Cuddle Party® facilitator based in Austin, TX. He has attended over 40 Cuddle Party® events and has been facilitating monthly Cuddle Party® events since 2019.

Ethan Kaseff

This can be short, there is an option to link your existing CP facilitator profile page below.

Scoby Goo

Scoby has been a certified facilitator for 2 years in the SF Bay Area and a Cuddle Party enthusiast since 2017. She will be supporting the training by replying to posts on Ruzuku and offering a monthly zoom call for both certified facilitators and facilitators in...