Bob Long

About Me: I was scared to death at my first Cuddle Party. As I continued to go I realized how important they were. It was a place where I could meet my needs for support and nurturing touch and I began to feel more comfortable. This was an important key to help me let go of my old views of what it meant to be male, masculine and sensual without it becoming sexual. I became a certified Cuddle party facilitator so I could integrate the masculine and feminine (Mother/Father energy). I believe this is of benefit to many. It has been incredable for me to learn the ways of Consent and Permission, making Requests and establishing Boundaries. This Marvelous path now occupies my everyday, all day, my life. You can contact me at:

Favorite Cuddle Party Rule: 3. You must ask permission and receive a verbal YES before you touch anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.)

What I got out of Cuddle Party personally: A Sense of being loved, held, supported for no reason other than I simply exist. No judgments, no expectations.

Who I am as a Cuddle Party Facilitator / What you'll find at my Cuddle Parties: A Being dedicated to being on the path: to enlightenment, acceptance, awareness, openness, and surrender.

Facilitator Name: Bob Long

Country: United States

State: Illinois

City: Chicago


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