Karin Whittaker

About Me: Karin Whittaker is an Early Childhood Educator by profession. And now, a Certified Cuddle Party facilitator with the International Cuddle Party Organization (this certification process involved 72 hours of coaching and self-funding). So how did she get started on this Cuddle Party venture? On a six month sabbatical from teaching 3-5-year-olds, her adult daughter traveling overseas, and she and her boyfriend on a break – she noticed an inner uneasiness, and the ‘skip in her walk’ had diminished. Intuitively, she knew a lack of day-to-day physical closeness was the common denominator. Minus children, daughter, boyfriend was a hug-free, snuggle-free, massage-free desert. Awkwardly, while seeking out extended hug ‘n’ snuggle time with peers, her calm and bounce returned. Thinking others too, may also be caught in this ‘affection void’ and needing regular tangible touch, a friend mentioned a newscast on Cuddle Party to Karin. With Vancouver CP being on hiatus at the time, she ventured, taking part in a Victoria Cuddle Party and was so elated by the experience that becoming CP certified and seeing Vancouver Cuddle Party up and running has been her mission. She hosts every 3rd Sunday to support friendship and consensual touch. Mostly, she looks forward to meeting others, a growing cuddle-community, and sharing in this this life-changing – Cuddle Party experience.

Favorite Cuddle Party Rule: #6 – You are encouraged to change your mind. A fulfilling life consists of taking risks. Participating in Cuddle Parties has strengthened my choice-making ability and an ever-expanding, richer life.

What I got out of Cuddle Party personally: My greatest joy is building community. Vancouver Cuddle Party is a wholesome, practical, playful event where cuddler friends get to practice communication skills, interact, and thrive together.

Who I am as a Cuddle Party Facilitator / What you'll find at my Cuddle Parties: She’s an Early Childhood Educator, founder of ‘Explore Parent Workshop’ and Reiki USHUI SHIKIRYOHO – Third Degree, certified. Community Social Service Worker (CSSW); Special Education Teacher Assistant (SETA); PAIRS Course (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills); and Fine Arts Diploma, VCC – are all educational programs she draws upon coupled with rich life experience to help enhance the lives of others. Opening her home to fellow Metro-Vancouverites seeking regular, social, and cuddle time is her current joy. Upholding an inviting environment to explore clear language, affectionate touch, and diverse conversation fills her with gratitude. For those attendees most comfortable in a smaller group, she keeps her parties cozy, averaging 10-20 cuddlers. Now as a Cuddle Party Facilitator, she feels honored to be trusted in this life-affirming way, to hold this container for nurture and witness its journey.

Facilitator Name: Karin Whittaker

Country: Canada

State: British Columbia

City: Vancouver


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