Sofia Kreissl
About Me: I’m a bodytherapist working with sessions in which I use the Wheel of Consent a lot. I’m also a certified Wheel of Consent facilitator & Sexological Bodyworker
Favorite Cuddle Party Rule: 2.You don’t have to cuddle anyone at a Cuddle Party, ever. Being in the room is an experience, its contributing by being there, and that in itself can be gre
What I got out of Cuddle Party personally: Connection & experiencing how wonderful touch can be in a nonsexual setting.
Who I am as a Cuddle Party Facilitator / What you'll find at my Cuddle Parties: Mother, Partner, Bodyworker, Teacher Curious, Wheel of Consentaddicted. And I absolutely love touch
Facilitator Name: Sofia Kreissl
Country: Sweden
State: Stockholms län
City: Stockholm
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